Some people in the service industry so clearly HATE what they are doing that they are unable to hide their contempt and do their job. They act annoyed when you are seated in their section. They roll their eyes when you ask questions about the menu. They throw the bill at you and try to push you out of there. As though your existence in the restaurant is somehow a HUGE personal inconvenience to them. Recently I went to breakfast and was seated and smiled and said good morning to my waitress. She frowned and started complaining that she had too many tables. Yeah...not my fault. And now I'm uncomfortable and can't enjoy my meal. And it doesn't help that I'm a people pleaser who fears confrontation. All this drama and I just wanted pancakes and coffee.
Last I checked, restaurants are places where you go to order food and get it served to you. You even pay for this luxury, and if you're served well, you tip. So I don't need the attitude from my server when I am being polite and simply ordering a meal. I don't need to be made to feel uncomfortable or guilty that I am ruining my server's life. This is true for anyone whose job it is to serve: people who work at coffee shops, ice cream places, retail stores, etc. It is their JOB to help the customer. So why be a hater when a customer comes in and simply request that you perform the duties you are being paid to do??
Sometimes customers or patrons are pretty rude, I'll admit that. And if pushed, it is not entirely unreasonable for a service person to stand up for themselves rather than just sit there and take it. But there is something to the adage, "the customer is always right," especially when the customer hasn't done anything to make you mad.
If you hate serving people, then DON'T WORK IN THE SERVICE INDUSTRY. If you can't take the heat, then don't have a job where you have to go back and forth from the kitchen. Go work somewhere where you don't have to interact with people and you can be as miserable as you want in your backroom or your cubicle. Or do what I did...go into the big walk-in freezer and swear really loudly before going back to your annoying table with a smile. I felt better, and my customers never knew how much I loathed them.
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