Friday, July 4, 2008

Facebook Abuse

I fully admit that I am a lover of Facebook. I am on there at least once a day. Usually I'm playing Word Twist or Scramble. Facebook is addictive. It's hard to avoid getting sucked in and devoting several hours of your life to the Facebook gods. However, there is such a thing as excessively unreasonable Facebook use.

There are tell-tale signs if you are a Facebook abuser. Sign #1: You change your status message every time you do something. Joe is watching a movie. Joe is blowing his nose. Joe just went to the bathroom. Joe is about to eat dinner. Joe just ate dinner. I mean, really? You really take the time multiple times throughout the day to update your FACEBOOK STATUS MESSAGE?? REALLY?

Sign #2: You post new pictures of yourself multiple times a day, and/or you comment on your own photos. Facebook is a veritable Disneyland for narcissists. They post hundreds of pictures of themselves where they think they look just devastatingly amazing, and think there is actually another human being out there who takes the time to look at all of their pictures. They must think they are so unbelievably attractive that they are doing us all a service by sharing their beauty with the Facebook community. Um...yeah...we don't think you're as attractive as you think you are...and we think you're pretty vain.

Sign #3: You send out application requests on a daily basis to everyone you are friends with, regardless of whether you actually have regular contact with these people or if you actually know them. Stop with the indiscriminate application sending! You lose all credibility. You're the Facebook user who cried wolf. Someday you'll send something ridiculously important and everyone will ignore it. Happy now?

My policy is to delete anyone who does any of the above things. Because it is just really irritating. If you do one or more of the above things, then it's time to take a step back and assess your priorities. Would you rather live in a virtual world or the real world? And if the answer isn't clear to you...then I guess there's nothing I can do but un-Facebook-friend you. So long, obnoxious Facebook long...


pcorman said...

Help me, I've fallen down in FACEBOOK and I can't get up!

Anonymous said...

i understand posting an update when it's like "john smith just had a baby boy!" but instead it's always like "john smith is eating dinner." THANKS for the update john smith...thanks for the update.