Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"Nice Day" Peer Pressure

I can't even count how many times this has happened to me...I'm talking to someone on the phone or online or what not, and they ask what I'm doing, and I say "I'm watching tv" or "I'm resting" or I'm engaged in some other indoor activity. They then get all indignant and say: "HOW can you be inside? It's SUCH a nice day outside!!!"

This annoys the crap out of me for several reasons. First of all, I live in California. 90% of the time it is SUCH a nice day outside. It is usually sunny and clear and mild up here in the Bay Area. So by the logic of "it's a nice day so you should not be inside," I should spend 90% of my time outside? People...if I miss one nice day by staying inside, then I'm pretty sure there will be another nice day to enjoy in the NEAR future.

Secondly, why do I have to be outside to enjoy the nice day? I can see the sunshine and blue sky out my very large windows whilst sitting on the couch. I don't need to actually go out my door to enjoy that it is nice outside. I love the sunlight coming through my giant windows. Sometimes it reflects off the tv. It's very lovely.

Third, what is SO bad about being inside? I work pretty damn hard. I deserve some down time. I get to watch an episode of The Wire during a nice day if I want. I can take a nap during peak sunshine times if it pleases me. It's really no one's business. I'll go outside and bask in the sunshine when I choose to...not out of guilt that I am somehow harming myself, others, and the world at large by failing to enjoy the gifts Mother Nature has bestowed upon me.

And besides...sunshine creates sun damage which leads to skin cancer and wrinkles. And there are bugs outside that bite. And I can't take a nap outside without risking some sort of assault. And it can get too hot, and then you're all sweaty. Don't get me wrong...I love the outdoors. I love hiking, I love going running, I love love love the beach...but I love the outdoors on MY terms. And why that is anyone's business is beyond me.

So in the future, you enjoy nice weather your way, and leave me the $@&* alone to enjoy it my way. And when you ask me HOW I could possibly stay inside on SUCH a nice day...I'll say "like this" and then I'll lie down and go ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ... (though I might kick you in the shins first).


pcorman said...

I'm enjoying my day inside on the computer reading your blog right now.

Anonymous said...

the "nice day" that you describe happens so rarely here that being inside and missing it makes me want to rip my hair out. BUT. i think we can all agree that people should refrain from volunteering opinions on other people's personal choices and that this applies to pretty much all scenarios. and sometimes, no matter how nice a day it is, you want to watch gilmore girls reruns all day and it's nobody's business but your own.