There are always these ridiculous quotes, too: "I just worked really hard at it." Oh, so that's it! Because non-celebrity moms just sit on their fat baby-weight asses eating cake, right? Or: "I followed a strict diet of organic vegetables." Because we all have time and money to go to farmer's markets every other day and eat really healthy, sensible, balanced meals.
Let's be real...celebrities lose weight fast because it is their JOB to look good. They don't have to look good AND work at a bank, or look good AND be a lawyer. And they have MONEY, so they can afford to have a housekeeper, a personal chef, a personal trainer, a nanny, and anyone else to make their lives easier. If the rest of us could hire help, we could spend less time washing clothes with baby vomit on them and more time at the gym.
Insinuating that celebrities deserve some big kudos for losing baby weight quickly is irritating as hell. It also makes normal, non-rich people feel like crap about themselves because they are so overwhelmed with all of their responsibilities (for which they have little, if any, help), that they aren't able to focus a ton of time on their appearance. And then other people judge them...if Jessica Alba can do it, why can't YOU?
So yeah...I am just not that impressed by celebrity post-baby bodies. I've never actually given birth, but I suspect I will NOT be wearing a bikini a few weeks after I finally do pop one out. And I won't feel bad about it. In fact, I look FORWARD to it. I mean, how often can you carry around some extra weight and actually have a good excuse?? Pass me the cake!
its never, or more likely than not ever, that any celebrity "worked hard." you never see the pictures as they are slimming down. one minute they give birth, the next they are slim again. its called liposuction and PR. maybe a little coke habit on the side to curb the necessity for food. sure its supplemented with a dietician, personal chef, nanny or nannies, and personal trainer in their private gym. but its also a couple grand, a 30 min procedure, wait 2 weeks for the bruising and swelling to go down, and have your PR agent make a release while u wear your free tailored designer gown to a public event.
YES THANK YOU, and I have to rant a little:
These women already had some of the most beautiful bodies in the world to BEGIN with. that's why they're FAMOUS and walk red carpets and make millions of dollars to smile for pictures. Don't compare normal post pregnancy women's bodies to those of women who have already been preselected for how skinny they are. ALSO - tabloids: stop running headlines that say "christina aguilera lost 20 pounds--how she did it!!" like she went on some amazing diet. she did it by having an 8 pound baby and 12 pounds of fluids pour out of her. and finally, these articles make men believe (michael excluded) that it's easy for women to lose all their baby weight and it sets women up for this massive failure. ugh...that is all, thanks.
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