It ab-so-lute-ly BAFFLES me when people deny global warming. "It's not that the earth isn't getting warmer," they say, "but it's just that human activity isn't contributing to it." They point to historical trends of heating and cooling, and say that these cycles are normal. They then say that they don't support pollution and do support alternative energy...um, okay...but then what's your problem with the global warming theory??
I really, really don't understand the logic. What is so deeply offensive about the notion that our actions have an impact on the planet? What in the world (no pun intended) do you gain by insisting that no matter how wasteful you are, no matter how many toxic fumes you emit, it is in no way your fault or responsibility that average temperatures are getting higher and polar bears are dying? I mean, other than wanting to justify your need to be wasteful and intense desire to pollute...WHAT is your PROBLEM??
They say it's all some BIG conspiracy concocted by scientists to scare us all into action. Oh NO! GOD forbid we all start being more responsible!! Terrorist threats are nothing compared to the disgusting lies these so-called scientists are feeding us to trick us into caring about cleaner/alternative fuel sources and preserving nature. How can these scientists SLEEP at night, knowing the deplorable propaganda they are perpetuating??
Okay, sarcasm aside...what's funny is that they criticism the scientists who tout the "global warming myth," but then point to scientific trends of heating and cooling cycles. Oh, I see...science is good if YOU say it is. That's some solid logic right there.
And forgive me if I'm wrong, but it seems that the Global Warming Deniers are often affiliated with the Christian religion. There's another thing I do not at all understand. Oil companies, corporations...I understand why they would deny global warming. But Christians? I mean, I grew up having to study the Bible...I'm not ignorant about the religion. I just don't see how God would be opposed to the notion that human activity is destroying the Earth He created. The Bible doesn't say to rape and pillage the planet in one big wasteful orgy. Seriously...I'm incredulous. I really wish someone would explain to me why the FACTUALLY SOUND phenomenon known as global warming is so offensive to Christianity (and others).
So yeah...Global Warming Deniers DRIVE ME NUTS. Because it is not only ignorant and selfish, but it is extremely dangerous and frightening. I am deeply scared by such ideology, especially now that there's an actual chance that a Global Warming Denier will end up in the White House. That's a lot more difficult to erase than a Facebook contact.
1 comment:
have I mentioned to you anytime lately that I LOVE YOU????
this is brilliant and should be published on slate or somewhere. LOVE IT.
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