Sunday, March 8, 2009

Offers for Extended Warranty

I'm no fool...I put my cell phone number on the "Do Not Call" list as soon as I found out about it. So why, I ask, do I get a phone call almost once a week offering me some extended warranty for my vehicle?

It's a recording of some woman's voice, and she tries to make it sound like it is specific to me. She says something about how time is running out to extend the warranty, and how I can activate it to protect the life of my vehicle, or some garbage like that. Interesting that time seems to be of the essence, since I've been getting the same message for MONTHS now. I wish the offer WOULD run out so they would stop calling me. They also try to get tricky and call from a different number every time. But I'm on to them. I never answer numbers that I don't recognize.

In addition to it being supremely irritating, it also sucks up my cell phone minutes. I waste at least a minute each time I have to go in and delete the voice mail. Since they call me several times a month, those jerkfaces owe me several minutes per month in cell phone minutes!

I'm wondering if ANYONE is actually foolish enough to buy into this garbage scam. I'm also wondering how they are able to call me so many times despite my number being on the "Do Not Call" list. If anyone has any advice on how to get this OBNOXIOUS scam to stop calling me, I'd love to hear it. Or let me know if it repeatedly happens to you...I'm thinking consumer class action? Anyone?

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