Friday, December 19, 2008

Roddy B.

Today, Rod Blagojevichonovskiwitz defiantly announced he has no plans to step down, saying "I will fight until I take my last breath." He maintains his innocence. The accusations are false, of course. He apparently did not attempt to sell Obama's senate seat to the highest bidders. Apparently aaaaaaallllll those recordings from wiretapped calls are just lies perpetuated by a "political lynch mob."

Roddy B...put a fork in it, you're DONE. Your entire state legislature voted 113-0 to assemble an impeachment committee. The evidence against you is overwhelming...that gun isn't just smokin', it's on FIRE. You have fallen from political grace in what is being called one of the biggest government scandals ever. You have ruined your name and brought shame to your state. It's O-V-E-R.

But does Blahblahblah accept this as fact? Nope. He has decided instead to force the poor people of Illinois to engage in a drawn out, ugly, EXPENSIVE battle to oust him. That's just what the state needs after its governor has completely f-ed waste precious resources in this terrible economy. Nice governing, buddy.

Blagagablah should take a cue from Spitzer. He owned what he did and quickly stepped down. I by no means think Spitzer is an exemplar, but at least he didn't insist on keeping his position when he was caught redhanded. Blago-go-gadget-arms...have you learned nothing from other obviously guilty politicians who put up a fight? Look at Sen. Stevens, for example. He vehemently insisted on innocence...and was found guilty of SEVEN felony counts and lost his seat. And then there's Sen. Craig, who admitted guilt but is now recanting. He's looking even more like a damn fool every day, all the while dragging his family through the nastiness. NO ONE believes these men are innocent, and no one ever did. They are delusional megalomaniacs who cling to futile hopes of maintaining their power while assuring their places in history as utterly despicable jokers.

So RB, I beg your breath for worthier battles than your unsalvageable career. You have pounded the final nail in your political coffin. You're going down no matter what. There's no need to drag the entire state of Illinois down with you.

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